REDECKER Dirk +33 380693642 Pôle : MICSOL Equipe : Holobionte / ERB
Professor, University of Burgundy
1992-1995: Phd student, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) and CIAT (Cali, Colombia):

1995-1997: postdoctoral scientist, Marburg (Germany)

1997-2000: postdoctoral scientist, University of California, Berkeley and Davis (USA)

2001-2009: principal investigator, research associate and lecturer at University of Basel (Switzerland)

since 2009: Professor of Environmental Microbiology (Dijon, France)

Responsability, Research activities, : 

 Curator, International Bank for the Glomeromycota

Coordinator, Biological Resource Center (ERB)  Ensemble de Ressources Biologiques

Research on the ecology and evolution of plant-microbe interactions and fungal diversity

Teaching : 

Program director of International Master in Microbiology - ForTheMicrobes (with University of Mainz, Germany)

Microbial ecology, mycology, plant-microbe interactions

Publications :

Voir site web

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