

Connecting biodiversity knowledge and decision-making Biodiversity policy must be based on the best available science. Often there is a mismatch between both worlds – the research community and decision makers. A large European consortium has now been tasked to overcome this need. In the coming years the BioAgora project will develop a Science Service for Biodiversity for the European Union.

The BioAgora project:

BioAgora is a collaborative European project funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme. It will build the Science Service for Biodiversity (SSBD), the scientific pillar of the EU Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity (KCBD). BioAgora will orchestrate a targeted dialogue between scientists, other knowledge holders and policy actors at the biodiversity policy arena. The project will assess existing science-policy interfaces, test approaches in demonstration cases, identify key knowledge needs and propose pathways to link this knowledge to policy in the most effective way.

The Science Service for Biodiversity:

BioAgora will create a fair and functional SSBD, in response to the EU Biodiversity Strategy forBioAgora will create a fair and functional SSBD, in response to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for2030. By facilitating the science-policy dialogue the SSBD will enable the necessary sustainability transformation in Europe, as called for by the European Green Deal. Decision-makers at local, national, and European levels should have easy access to scientific results to help reach European biodiversity targets and implement a system change in society. Embedded within the KCBD, the SSBD will offer a platform matching policy demands with research results2030. By facilitating the science-policy dialogue the SSBD will enable the necessary sustainability transformation in Europe, as called for by the European Green Deal. Decision-makers at local, national, and European levels should have easy access to scientific results to help reach European biodiversity targets and implement a system change in society. Embedded within the KCBD, the SSBD will offer a platform matching policy demands with research results.


  • Provide tailored pathways to better orchestrate science-policy interactions to support the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030;
  • Design demonstration cases across the EU that ratchet up or revitalise the implementation of EU biodiversity commitments;
  • Analyse existing Science-Policy Interfaces, their policytools and current biodiversity knowledge in Europe;
  • Develop inclusive governance and a feasible business model for the SSBD;
  • Support capacity building for EU decision-makers and knowledge providers to bring transformative change for biodiversity
  • Promote cooperation and co-learning among researchers, policymakers and practitioners contributing to biodiversity protection.

Demonstration cases:

BioAgora will test Science-Policy Interfaces in demonstration cases across Europe and beyond, to apply its lessons in the Science Service for Biodiversity. These cases, initially focusing on pollination, nature-based solutions, and freshwater ecosystems, will demonstrate different processes already in place in various biodiversity management and governance contexts. During the project more topics will be released, and cascade funding will be available for third parties to join.

Project partners:

BioAgora gathers a Consortium of 22 partners, from 13 European countries, led by the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke). Partners represent a diversity of actors coming from academia, public authorities, SMEs, and associations. They all bring their specific skills together to reach the project’s objectives.


Kati Vierikko
Project Coordinator
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

Date de modification : 12 mars 2024 | Date de création : 12 mars 2024 | Rédaction : VN