BESSON-BARD Angélique +33 (0)3 80 69 31 78 Pôle : IPM Equipe : Immunité et Signalisation
Maitre de conférence UB
Curriculum vitae :
2010-present: Senior lecturer in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CNU 64), University of Burgundy, Dijon
2023: HDR (Habilitation to supervise research), University of Burgundy, Dijon
2009-2010: Postdoc at the Dept. of Plant Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2008: PhD Thesis in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Burgundy, Dijon
2005: Master of Science Degree level 2 in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Burgundy, Dijon

Activités de recherche (Research activities, ) : 

Origin and role of nitric oxide (NO) in plant defense reactions against pathogens or in response to abiotic stresses
Role of bacteriosiderophores in plant growth/defense balance
Identification of NO-regulated genes or proteins modified by S-nitrosation in response to (a)biotic challenges
Role of NO in iron homeostasis and in response to cadmium treatment
Interactions between iron homeostasis and beta-aminobutyric acid (BABA)-induced priming mechanisms

Activités d’enseignement (Teaching) : 

Biochemistry courses in bachelor's and master's degree programs, e.g.:
- general biochemistry (structure of lipids, proteins, sugars and nucleic acids; replication; transcription; translation) and enzymology (L1 and L2 levels)
- Bioenergetics (L3 level)
- Analytical techniques: gas-liquid chromatography (GC), exclusion chromatography, protein electrophoresis (L3 level), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), spectrophotometry, fluorimetry (M1 level).

Publications :

- Nicolas-Francès V.*, Rossi J.*, Rosnoblet C., Pichereaux C., Hichami S., Astier J., Klinguer A., Wendehenne D. and Besson-Bard A. (2022) S-nitrosation of Arabidopsis thaliana Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1 prevents its irreversible oxidation by hydrogen peroxide. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: article 807249. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.807249. (IF 2021: 6.627)
- Astier J., Rossi J., Chatelain P., Klinguer A., Besson-Bard A., Rosnoblet C., Jeandroz S., Nicolas-Francès V. and Wendehenne D. (2021) Nitric oxide production and signalling in algae. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72: 781-792. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa421. (IF: 7.298)
- Bègue H., Besson-Bard A., Blanchard C., Winckler P., Bourque S., Nicolas V., Wendehenne D. and Rosnoblet C. (2019) The chaperone-like protein CDC48 regulates ascorbate peroxidase in tobacco. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70: 2665-2681. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz097. (IF: 5.354).
- Rosnoblet C., Bègue H., Blanchard C., Pichereaux C., Besson-Bard A., Aimé S. and Wendehenne D. (2017) Functional characterization of the chaperon-like protein Cdc48 in cryptogein-induced immune response in tobacco. Plant Cell and Environment, 40: 491-508. doi: 10.1111/pce.12686. (IF: 5.415)
- Trapet P., Avoscan L., Klinguer A., Pateyron S., Citerne S., Chervin C., Mazurier S., Lemanceau P., Wendehenne D. and Besson-Bard A. (2016) The Pseudomonas fluorescens siderophore pyoverdine weakens Arabidopsis thaliana defense in favor of growth in iron-deficient conditions. Plant Physiology, 171: 675-693. doi: 10.1104/pp.15.01537. (IF: 6.456)
 - Lamotte O., Bertoldo J.B., Besson-Bard A., Rosnoblet C., Aimé S., Hichami S., Terenzi H. and Wendehenne D. (2015) Protein S-nitrosylation: specificity and identification strategies in plants. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2:114. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2014.00114.
- Trapet P., Kulik A., Lamotte O., Jeandroz S., Bourque S., Nicolas-Francès V., Rosnoblet C., Besson-Bard A. and Wendehenne D. (2014) NO signaling in plant immunity: A tale of messengers. Phytochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2014.03.015. (IF: 2.547)
- Koen E., Trapet P., Brulé D., Kulik A., Klinguer A., Atauri-Miranda L., Meunier-Prest R., Boni G., Glauser G., Mauch-Mani B., Wendehenne D. and Besson-Bard A. (2014) β-aminobutyric acid (BABA)-induced resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana: Link with iron homeostasis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 27: 1226-1240. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-05-14-0142-R. (IF: 3.944)
- Jeandroz S., Lamotte O., Astier J., Rasul S., Trapet P., Besson-Bard A., Bourque S., Nicolas-Francès V., Wei M., Berkowitz G.A. and Wendehenne D. (2013) There's more to the picture than meets the eye: nitric oxide cross-talk with Ca2+ signaling. Plant Physiology, 163: 459-470. doi: 10.1104/pp.113.220624. (IF: 7.394)
- Koen E.*, Besson-Bard A.*, Duc C., Astier J., Gravot A., Richaud P., Lamotte O., Boucherez J., Gaymard F. and Wendehenne D. (2013) Arabidopsis thaliana nicotianamine synthase 4 is required for proper response to iron deficiency and to cadmium exposure. Plant Science, 209: 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2013.04.006. (IF: 4.114).
- Koen E., Lamotte O., Besson-Bard A., Bourque S., Nicolas-Francès V., Jeandroz S. and Wendehenne D. (2013) Nitric oxide is a major player in plant immune system. M S-Médecine Sciences (Paris), 29: 309-316. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2013293018. (IF: 0.519)
- Koen E., Szymańska K., Klinguer A., Dobrowolska G., Besson-Bard A. and Wendehenne D. (2012) Nitric oxide and glutathione impact the expression of iron uptake- and iron transport-related genes as well as the content of metals in A. thaliana plants grown under iron deficiency. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7: 1246-1250. doi: 10.4161/psb.21548.
- Astier J., Kulik A., Koen E., Besson-Bard A., Bourque S., Jeandroz S., Lamotte O. and Wendehenne D. (2012) Protein S-nitrosylation: What's going on in plants? Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 53: 1101-1110. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.06.032. (IF: 5.271)
- Astier J., Besson-Bard A., Lamotte O., Bertoldo J., Bourque S., Terenzi H. and Wendehenne D. (2012) Nitric oxide inhibits the ATPase activity of the chaperone-like AAA+ATPase CDC48, a target for S-nitrosylation in cryptogein signaling in tobacco cells. Biochemical Journal, 447: 249–260. doi: 10.1042/BJ20120257. (IF: 4.654)
- Astier J., Rasul S., Koen E., Manzoor H., Besson-Bard A., Lamotte O., Jeandroz S., Durner J., Lindermayr C. and Wendehenne D. (2011) S-nitrosylation: An emerging post-translational protein modification in plants. Plant Science, 181: 527-533. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2011.02.011. (IF: 2.945)
- L’Haridon F., Besson-Bard A., Binda M., Serrano M., Abou-Mansour E., Balet F., Schoonbeek H.J., Hess S., Mir R., Leon J., Lamotte O. and Métraux J.P. (2011) A permeable cuticle is associated with the release of reactive oxygen species and induction of innate immunity. PLoS Pathogens, 7: e1002148. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002148. (IF: 9.127)
- Besson-Bard A., Astier J., Rasul S., Wawer I., Dubreuil-Maurizi C., Jeandroz S. and Wendehenne D. (2009) Current view of nitric oxide-responsive genes in plants. Plant Science, 177: 302-309. (IF: 2.050)
- Besson-Bard A. and Wendehenne D. (2009) NO contributes to cadmium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana by mediating an iron deprivation response. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4: 252-254. doi: 10.4161/psb.4.3.8032.
- Besson-Bard A., Gravot A., Richaud P., Auroy P., Duc C., Gaymard F., Taconnat L., Renou J.-P., Pugin A. and Wendehenne D. (2009) Nitric oxide contributes to cadmium toxicity in Arabidopsis by promoting cadmium accumulation in roots and by up-regulating genes related to iron uptake. Plant Physiology, 149: 1302-1315. doi: 10.1104/pp.108.133348. (IF: 6.235)
- Besson-Bard A., Griveau S., Bedioui F. and Wendehenne D. (2008) Real-time electrochemical detection of extracellular nitric oxide in tobacco cells exposed to cryptogein, an elicitor of defence responses. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59: 3407-3414. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern189. (IF: 4.001)
- Courtois C.*, Besson A.*, Dahan J., Bourque S., Dobrowolska G., Pugin A. and Wendehenne D. (2008) Nitric oxide signalling in plants: interplays with Ca2+ and protein kinases. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59: 155-163. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erm197. (IF: 4.001)
- Besson-Bard A., Courtois C., Gauthier A., Dahan J., Dobrowolska G., Jeandroz S., Pugin A. and Wendehenne D. (2008) Nitric oxide in plants: production and cross-talk with Ca2+ signalling. Molecular Plant, 1: 218-228. doi: 10.1093/mp/ssm016.
- Besson-Bard A., Pugin A. and Wendehenne D. (2008) New insights into nitric oxide signaling in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 59: 21-39. doi: 10.1146/annurev.arplant.59.032607.092830. (IF: 22.192)
- Lamotte O., Courtois C., Dobrowolska G., Besson A., Pugin A. and Wendehenne D. (2006) Mechanisms of nitric-oxide-induced increase of free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 40: 1369-1376. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2005.12.006. (IF: 5.440)
- Larmonier N., Mérino D., Nicolas A., Cathelin D., Besson A., Bateman A., Solary E., Martin F., Katsanis E. and Bonnotte B. (2006) Apoptotic, necrotic, or fused tumor cells: An equivalent source of antigen for dendritic cell loading. Apoptosis, 11(9): 1513-1524. doi: 10.1007/s10495-006-8765-0. (IF: 3.421)

* co-first authors

Principaux contrats :

  • 2023-2025: Plant2Pro EFfORT project. Ecology and functioning of rhizospheric microbiota involved in improving iron nutrition in pea (Resp. Dr. B. PIVATO; €199,228).
  • 2022-2024: UBFC TRANSBIO HOLOSTRESS regional project. Functioning of plant-microbiota interactions within the holobiont under biotic and abiotic stress (Resp. Dr. R. BARNARD; €322,000).
  • 2019-2023: ANR ALGAE-NOS project. Function and Evolution of plant NO-Synthases (Resp. Dr. J. SANTOLINI; €234,360).
  • 2018-2021: ISITE NOISELESS project. Structure, function and roles of nitric oxide synthases in algal responses to environmental stresses (Resp. Prof. D. WENDEHENNE; €150,000).
  • 2018-2021: Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté Rhino project: Inter-regulation of iron homeostasis and immunity in plants: role of nitric oxide and immunogenic and antimicrobial activities of root exudates (co-resp. with Prof. D. WENDEHENNE; €60,000).
  • 2018-2020: Plant2Pro POSiTiF project. Promoting pea tolerance to abiotic (iron) and biotic (phytopathogenic) stress via biotic interactions in the rhizosphere (Co-leader with Dr. S. MAZURIER of WP 1; €116,000 for the UMR)
  • 2017-2018: Région PARI II AGREE project: The role of iron in biotic interactions in agroecology (Resp. Dr. S. MAZURIER; €37,000).
  • 2015 and 2017: internal UMR Agroécologie projects. Analysis of the role of nitric oxide (NO) in cross-regulation between iron homeostasis and plant growth/immunity balance (€7,000 and €5,500).
  • 2012-2013: PARI AGRALE 8 Opération 3 project (PARI 2012 - 29000629) funded by the Burgundy Region. Multitrophic relationships between plants and fluorescent Pseudomonas: involvement of siderophores in the plant/microorganism molecular dialogue (Resp. Prof. D. WENDEHENNE; €12,500).
  • 2013-2015: CAPES-COFECUB Sv785-13 project: Involvement of Nitric Oxide (NO) target proteins in plants under stress funded for France by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and for Brazil by CAPES (Resp. Prof. D. WENDEHENNE and Prof. H. TERENZI). Funding of travel between France and Brazil for program researchers and students.

Liens externes (Links) :