Directrice de recherche - directrice adjointe d’Unité
Curriculum vitae :
2021-present: Director of research. Deputy head of UMR Agroecology, Dijon, in charge of the LEGae group (Legume Ecophysiology and Genetics for agroecology).
2006-2021: Director of research. Group Leader of the Legume Target Species team.
1997-2006: Researcher on pea genetics and genomics for seed quality.
1997: Research Fellow, at the Bureau of Genetic Resources, Paris, on the cost of plant genetic resource collections.
1995-1996: Post-doctoral fellow (Chandler’s group, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia) on genes involved in cell wall metabolism in barley.
1990-1994: PhD under Dr C. Damerval supervision (De Vienne’s group, Le Moulon, Gif sur Yvette) on hydrid prediction in maize.

Activités de recherche, techniques :

My research focuses on pea plant adaptation to low-input farming systems and aims to enable the development of grain legume crops in France and Europe to address the challenge of food and agro-ecological transitions in agriculture. I coordinated national and international projects on this topic. For example, the PeaMUST project (2012-2020) tackled the causes of yield irregularity and proposed ways of improvement. This project brought together a large public-private partnership allowing the rapid transfer of results ; the pea genome sequencing consortium (2013-2019) published the first pea genomic sequence and showed the plasticity of this genome, rich in repeated elements and subject to major rearrangements; the SPECIFICS project co-lead with S. Cordeau aims at defining levers to Sustainable PEst Control In Fabaceae-rich Innovative Cropping Systems ; the international pea pangenome project, PeaTerPan, builds a pangenome reference in pea.

Activités d’enseignement : 


I am organising and giving regular conferences open to Master students on the topic of Agroecology and legume genetics.

Publications :

Tayeh, N., Hofer, J., Aubert, G., Jacquin, F., Turner, L., Kreplak, J., ... & Burstin, J. (2023). afila, the origin and nature of a major innovation in the history of pea breeding. New Phytol.

Gali, K. K., Jha, A., Tar’an, B., Burstin, J., Aubert, G., Bing, D., ... & Warkentin, T. D. (2024). Identification of QTLs associated with seed protein concentration in two diverse recombinant inbred line populations of pea. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1359117.

Imbert, B., Kreplak, J., Flores, R. G., Aubert, G., Burstin, J., & Tayeh, N. (2023). Development of a knowledge graph framework to ease and empower translational approaches in plant research: a use-case on grain legumes. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 1191122.

Aubert, G., Kreplak, J., Leveugle, M., Duborjal, H., Klein, A., Boucherot, K., ... & Burstin, J. (2023). SNP discovery by exome capture and resequencing in a pea genetic resource collection. Peer Community Journal, 3.

Lecomte C et al (2023). Combining a multi-environment trial and a diagnosis method to assess potential yield and main limiting factors of three highly different pea types. European Journal of Agronomy, 146, art. 126823, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2023.126823

Macas, J., Ávila Robledillo, L., Kreplak, J., Novák, P., Koblížková, A., Vrbová, I., ... & Neumann, P. (2023). Assembly of the 81.6 Mb centromere of pea chromosome 6 elucidates the structure and evolution of metapolycentric chromosomes. PLoS Genetics, 19(2), e1010633 https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1010633

Vander Schoor JK et al. (2022). Defining the components of the miRNA156-SPL-miR172 aging pathway in pea and their expression relative to changes in leaf morphology. Plant Gene, 30, art.100354:2352-4073, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plgene.2022.100354