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STEINBERG Christian 03 80 69 30 50 Thématique: Ecologie des champignons
Directeur de recherche
Curriculum vitae :
2006 to date: Director of Research within the Joint Research Unit (UMR) Agroécologie, leading a group of five people working on the Ecology of soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi. I am actually supervising or co-supervising two PhD students.
2001: Docent (= French HDR: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
1995-1996: Sabbatical in England, at "Horticulture Research International" (HRI) of Wellesbourne, Warwick (coll. Dr. J. Whipps). Research Project: Competitive development of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum near tomato roots.
1991: Researcher (Chargé de Recherche) INRA (National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Dijon, France)
1988-1990: Teaching Assistant, University C. Bernard Lyon I (1 yr.), and School of Applied Biology, Lyon (France) (2 yrs.)
1987: PhD thesis in Soil Microbial Ecology (University of Lyon, France) "Population dynamics of a bacterial population introduced into the soil: biological and mathematical description of the predator-prey relationship." Supervisor: Dr G. Faurie
ORCID: 0000-0002-5447-5349

Activités de recherche : 

Ecology of soil-borne fungi; Impact of agricultural practices on the survival of pathogenic fungal and oomycete populations (Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani; Aphanomyces euteiches) and on the diversity of soil-borne microbial communities, development of bioassays in pathology, Identification of biological indicators of soil health, Identification of pathogen consortia;
Ecology of Fusarium oxysporum, genotyping and phenotyping characterization of pathogenic and non pathogenic F. oxysporum, global diversity studies, interactions between physic-chemical characteristics of soil and F. oxysporum survival, biocontrol of pathogenic F. oxysporum using non-pathogenic F. oxysporum in soilless cultures, crops in containers and crops under shelters, characterization of the soil suppressiveness to diseases;  characterization of the soil inoculum potential;
Integrated Pest Management, Biocontrol of plant pathogenic fungi, testing the biocontrol potential of the non pathogenic strain F. oxysporum Fo47 in different pathosystems, Biocontrol of weeds using pathogenic fungi, biocontrol of pests using entomopathogenic fungi, characterisation of fungal metabolites, Bio and Mycoherbicides.

Activités d’enseignement : 

Teaching activities: Soil microbial ecology, soil health, plant health, mycology, biocontrol, biological resource management, (from 15 to 30h/yr.)
Training and supervising of Bachelor's and Master's students and Engineering students (50), PhD theses (19) and Post-doc (5).

Publications :

More than a hundred scientific and review papers published in peer review journals
Since 2020:
1.           Abid M, Fayolle L, Edel-Hermann V, Gautheron N, Héraud C, Leplat J, Steinberg C, 2021. Fate of deoxynivalenol (DON) and impact on the soil microflora and soil fauna. Applied Soil Ecology 162, 103898. doi:
2.           Ali N, Tavoillot J, Martiny B, Fossati-Gaschignard O, Plas S, Dmowska E, …, Steinberg C, Mateille T, 2021. Legacy of plant-parasitic nematode communities from past ecosystems and shift by recent afforestation. Global Ecology and Conservation 26, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01423
3.           Aubertot J-N, Deguine JP, Lamichhane J-R, Robin M-H, Sarthou J-P, Steinberg C, 2020. Vers une protection agroécologique des cultures en phase d’implantation In: Boiffin J LF, Richard G. Eds., ed. Réussir l’implantation des cultures. Enjeux agroécologiques, itinéraires techniques. Versailles, France. Quae, 107-134.
4.           Cartry D, Steinberg C, Gibot-Leclerc S, 2021. Main drivers of broomrape regulation. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41, 22. doi: 10.1007/s13593-021-00669-0
5.           Deguine J-P, Aubertot J-N, Bellon S, Côte F, Lauri P-E, Lescourret F, …, Steinberg C,... Lamichhane JR, 2023. Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture. In. Advances in Agronomy. Academic Press.
6.           Geiser DM, Al-Hatmi A, Aoki T, Arie T, Balmas V, Barnes I, …, Steinberg C,… Zhang X, 2020. Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1 kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic Fusarium that includes the Fusarium solani Species Complex. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/phyto-08-20-0330-le
7.           Gibert S, Edel-Hermann V, Gautheron E, Gautheron N, Bernaud E, Sol J-M, . . . Steinberg C, 2022. Identification, pathogenicity and community dynamics of fungi and oomycetes associated with pea root rot in northern France. Plant Pathology 71, 1550-1569. doi:
8.           Gibert S, Edel-Hermann V, Gautheron E, Gautheron N, Sol J-M, Capelle G, . . . Steinberg C, 2022. First Report of Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium redolens, and Fusarium solani Causing Root Rot in Pea in France. Plant Disease 106, 1297. doi: 10.1094/pdis-04-21-0833-pdn
9.           Gibert S, Edel-Hermann V, Moussa Mcolo R, Gautheron E, Michel J, Bernaud E, . . . Steinberg C, 2021. Risk assessment of Aphanomyces euteiches root rot disease: quantification of low inoculum densities in field soils using droplet digital PCR. European Journal of Plant Pathology 161, 503-528. doi: 10.1007/s10658-021-02325-5
10.         Gibot-Leclerc S, Guinchard L, Edel-Hermann V, Dessaint F, Cartry D, Reibel C, . . . Steinberg C, 2022. Screening for potential mycoherbicides within the endophyte community of Phelipanche ramosa parasitizing tobacco. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98, 16. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiac024
11.         Guo L, Yu H, Wang B, Vescio K, Deiulio GA, Yang H, . . . Steinberg C, Kistler HC, Ma L-J, 2021. Metatranscriptomic comparison of endophytic and pathogenic Fusarium–Arabidopsis interactions reveals plant transcriptional plasticity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions® 34, 1071-1083. doi: 10.1094/mpmi-03-21-0063-r
12.         Haghi Z, Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa R, Steinberg C, 2023. The efficacy of Iranian Pythium oligandrum isolates in biocontrol of soil-borne fungal pathogens of tomato. Journal of Plant Pathology 105, 185-196. doi: 10.1007/s42161-022-01245-5
13.         Moureaux B, Aubertot JN, Deguine JP, Lamichhane JR, Robin MH, Sarthou JP, Steinberg C, 2020. La protection agroécologique appliquée. Perspectives Agricoles 475, 32-35.
14.         Triolet M, Edel-Hermann V, Gautheron N, Mondy S, Reibel C, Andre O, . . . Steinberg C, 2022. Weeds Harbor an Impressive Diversity of Fungi, Which Offers Possibilities for Biocontrol. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88, 20. doi: 10.1128/aem.02177-21
15.         Triolet M, Guillemin JP, Andre O, Steinberg C, 2020. Fungal-based bioherbicides for weed control: a myth or a reality? Weed Research 60, 60-77. doi: 10.1111/wre.12389
16.         Wang B, Yu HL, Jia YY, Dong QB, Steinberg C, Alabouvette C, …, Guo L, 2020. Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly of Fusarium oxysporum Strain Fo47, a Fungal Endophyte and Biocontrol Agent. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 33, 1108-1111. doi: 10.1094/mpmi-05-20-0116-a

Principaux contrats :

  • -Pea root rot (2017-2022) Parasite complex responsible for root rot in garden pea; 
  •  Orobanchi'seed (2018-2022) Taxonomic and functional diversity of fungi associated with branched broomrape (Phelipanche ramosa);  
  •  Metab'Orobanche (2021-2022) Search for phytotoxic fungal secondary metabolites for broomrape (Phelipanche ramosa);  
  • Datura (2021-2024) Biocontrol of toxic weeds for humans and animals;  
  • Velco-A (2022-2023) Biocontrol to protect oilseed rape against winter flea beetles;