ayme.spor@inrae.fr 0380693094 Pôle : MICSOL Equipe: EMFEED
Chargé de recherche
Curriculum vitae :
Juin 2020: HDR, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Depuis Oct 2011: CRCN, INRAE, UMR1347 Agroécologie.
Jan 2010 - Sep 2011: Postdoctorat, Cornell University, Department of Microbiology
Oct 2006 - Oct 2009 : Doctorat, UMR 8120 Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France

Activités de recherche, techniques  :

Les objectifs de mes travaux sont donc d’une part i) de mieux comprendre les facteurs  influençant la structure, la diversité et le fonctionnement des communautés microbiennes terrestres dans différents contextes agricoles et ii) d’étudier l’assemblage et l’évolution des communautés microbiennes et de leurs fonctionnements à différentes échelles de temps (pas de temps saisonnier et évolutif).
J’utilise principalement comme modèles les micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle de l’azote, et les micro-organismes impliqués dans la dégradation des pesticides. En effet, les micro-organismes nitrifiants (transformation de l’ammonium en nitrate) et dénitrifiants (transformation du nitrate en N2) au sein du cycle de l’azote sont indispensables pour les productions végétales pour les premiers, mais aussi responsables des émissions biologiques de N2O, un puissant gaz à effet de serre pour les seconds. Les micro-organismes dégradants assurent quant à eux un rôle clé dans les fonctions de biofiltration du sol.

Activités de formation par la recherche  : 


o             2023 – 2024: Encadrement de Myriel Cooper, « Micro and nano-plastics in agricultural soils: Compounded impacts with pesticide inputs on soil microbial communities and ecossytem services».
o             2022 – 2025: Encadrement d’Amélie Polrot, « Suivi et impact d’un agent de biocontrôle microbien chez le colza ». 1 publication soumise
o             2022 – 2024: Encadrement de Sakineh Abbasi, « Bioaugmentation for the remediation of pesticides polluted agricultural soils: efficiency and side effects ».


o             Depuis octobre 2022: Co-direction de la thèse de Sylvia Thieffry, « Introgression de capacités de biodégradation de xénobiotiques dans des sols et des sédiments pollués : transfert des méthodes et outils utilisés en sélection génomique ».
o             Depuis avril 2021: Co-direction de la thèse de Camilla Drocco, « Assessing the toxicity of pesticide mixtures on soil microorganisms and potential interactions with terrestrial macro-organisms ». Co-direction de la thèse de Marine Papin, « Mise à l’épreuve de la théorie de la niche écologique: Efficacité de l’inoculation récurrente de souches bactériennes d’intérêt agroécologique ».

Publications :

1             Huet S., Romdhane S., Breuil M.C., Bru D., Mounier A., Spor A. & L. Philippot. (2023) Experimental community coa-lescence sheds light on microbial interactions in soil and restores impaired functions. Microbiome.
2             Raynaud T., Blouin M., Devers M., Garmyn D. & A. Spor. (2022) Assessing the importance of interspecific interac-tions in the evolution of microbial communities. Ecology & Evolution, 12:e9494.
3             Raynaud T., Devers M., Spor A. & M. Blouin. (2022) Community diversity determines the evolution of synthetic bac-terial communities under artificial selection. Evolution. 
4             Edlinger A., Garland G., Hartman K., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Hallin S., Held A., Herzog C., Jansa J., Kost E., Maestre F.T., Sanchez Pescador D., Philippot L., Rillig M.C., Romdhane S., Saghai A., Spor A., Frossard E. & M.G.A van der Heijden. (2022) Agricultural management and pesticide use reduce the functioning of beneficial plant symbionts. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
5             Gallego S., Bigott Y., Mounier A., Spor A., Schröder P. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2022) Impact of repeated irrigation of lettuce cultures with municipal wastewater on the diversity and composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
6             Romdhane S., Spor A., Banerjee S., Breuil M.C., Bru D., Chabbi A., Hallin S., van der Heijden M.G.A, Saghai A. & L. Philippot. (2022) Land-use intensification differentially affects bacterial, fungal and protist communities and de-creases microbiome network complexity. Environmental Microbiome.
7             Jacquiod S., Spor A., Wei S., Munkager V.K., Bru D., Sorensen S.J., Salon C., Philippot L. & M. Blouin. (2022) Arti-ficial selection of stable rhizosphere microbiota leads to heritable plant phenotype changes. Ecology Letters.
8             Romdhane S.*, Spor A.*, Aubert J., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Hallin S., Mounier A., Ouadah S., Tsiknia M. & L. Philippot. (2021) Unraveling biotic interactions determining soil microbial community assembly rules and functioning. The ISME Journal.
9             Raynaud T., Pivato B., Siol M., Spor A. & M. Blouin. (2021) Soil microbes drive the effect of plant species and geno-typic diversity interaction on productivity. Plant and Soil.
10           Abbasi S., Spor A., Sadeghi A. & N. Safaie. (2021) Streptomyces strains modulate dynamics of soil bacterial com-munities and efficacy of disease suppression caused by Phytophthora capsici. Scientific Reports.
11           Carles L., Martin-Laurent F., Devers-Lamrani M., Spor A., Rouard N., Béguet J., Besse-Hoggan P. & I. Batisson. (2021) Potential of preventive bioremediation to reduce environmental contamination by pesticides in an agricultural context: a case study with the herbicide 2,4-D. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
12           Billet L., Pesce S., Rouard N., Spor A., Paris L., Leremboure M., Mounier A., Besse-Hoggan P., Martin-Laurent F. & M. Devers-Lamrani. (2021) Antibiotrophy: key function for antibiotic resistant bacteria to colonize soils – Case of sul-famethazine-degrading Microbacterium sp. C448. in the environment. Frontiers in Microbiology.
13           Billet L., Devers-Lamrani M., Serre R.F., Julia E., Vandecasteele C., Rouard N., Martin-Laurent F. & A. Spor. (2021) Complete genome sequences of four atrazine-degrading bacterial strains: Pseudomonas sp. ADPe, Arthrobacter sp. TES, Variovorax sp. 38R and Chelatobacter sp. SR38. Microbial Resource Announcements.
14           Garland G., Edlinger A., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Sanchez Pescador D., Herzog C., Romdhane S., Saghai A., Spor A., Wagg C., Hallin S., Maestre F.T., Philippot L., Rillig M.C. & M.G.A van der Heijden. (2021) Crop cover is more important than rotational diversity for soil multifunctionality and cereal yields in European cropping systems. Nature Food.
15           Thiour-Mauprivez C., Devers-Lamrani M., Bru D., Béguet J., Spor A., Mounier A., Alletto L., Calvayrac C., Barthelmebs L. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2021) Assessing the effects of β-triketone herbicides on the soil bacterial and hppd communities: a lab-to-field experiment. Frontiers in Microbiology.
16           Spor A., Roucou A., Mounier A., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Vile D., Roumet P., Philippot L. & C. Violle. (2020) Domestication-driven changes in plant traits altered the assembly of the rhizosphere microbiota in durum wheat. Scientific Reports, 10:12234.
17           Spor A., Rocio Ortiz Camargo A., Bru D., Gaba S., Garmyn D., Gal L. & P. Piveteau. (2020) Habitat disturbances modulate the barrier effect of resident soil microbiota on Listeria monocytogenes invasion success. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:927.
18           Braga L.P.P., Spor A., Kot W., Breuil M.C., Hansen L.H., Setubal J.C. & L. Philippot. (2020) Impact of phages on soil bacterial communities and nitrogen availability under different assembly scenarios. Microbiome, 8:52.
19           Jacquiod S., Puga-Freitas R., Monard C., Mougel C., Spor A., Mounier A., Philippot L. & M. Blouin. (2020) A core microbiota of the plant-earthworm interaction conserved across soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 144:107754.
20           Thiour-Mauprivez C., Devers M., Mounier A., Béguet J., Spor A., Calvayrac C., Barthelmebs L. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2020) Design of a specific primer pair to target a bacterial functional community: a study case with the hppd bacterial gene coding for the enzyme targeted by herbicides. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 170:105839.
21           Billet L., Devers M., Rouard N., Martin-Laurent F. & A. Spor. (2019) Labour sharing promotes coexistence in atrazine degrading bacterial communities. Scientific Reports, 9:18363.
22           Raynaud T., Devers M., Spor A. & M. Blouin. (2019) Effect of the reproduction method in an artificial selection experiment at the community level. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:416.
23           Romdhane S.*, Spor A.*, Busset H., Falchetto L., Martin J., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Philippot L. & S. Cordeau. (2019) Cover crop management practices rather than the composition of cover crop mixtures affect microbial communities in no-till agroecoystems. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:1618.
24           Romdhane S., Devers M., Béguet J., Bertrand C., Calvayrac C., Salvia M.V., Ben Jrad A., Dayan F. E., Spor A., Barthelmebs L. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2019) Assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of natural and synthetic β-triketone herbicides on the diversity and the activity of the soil bacterial community using omic approaches. Science of the Total Environment, 651:241-249.
25           Calderon K.*, Philippot L.*, Bizouard F., Breuil M.C., Bru D. & A. Spor. (2018) Compounded disturbance chronology modulates the resilience of soil microbial communities and N-cycle related functions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:2721.
26           Storck V., Nikolaki S., Perruchon C., Chabanis C., Sacchi A., Pertile G., Baguelin C., Karas P., Spor A., Devers M., Papadopoulou E., Sibourg O., Malandain C., Trevisan M., Ferrari F., Karpouzas D., Tsiamis G. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2018) Lab to field assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of chlorpyrifos, isoproturon or tebuconazole on the diversity and composition of the soil bacterial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:1412.
27           Bidu C., Escoula Q., Bellenger S., Spor A., Galan M., Geissler A., Bouchot A., Dardevet D., Morio-Lindor B., Cani P.D., Lagrost L., Narce M. & J. Bellenger. (2018) The transplantation of ω3 PUFA-altered gut microbiota of fat-1 mice to wild-type littermates prevents obesity and associated metabolic disorders. Diabetes, 67:1512-1523.
28           Peerawat M., Blaud A., Trap J., Chevalier T., Alonso P., Gay F., Thaler P., Spor A., Sebag D., Choosai C., Suvannang N., Sajjaphan K. & A. Brauman. (2018) Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 257:92-102.
29           Engelhardt I., Welty-Bernard A., Blazewicz S. J., Bru D., Rouard N., Breuil M. C., Gessler A., Galiano L., Miranda J. C., Spor A. & R. L. Barnard. (2018) Effects of precipitation regime on soil microbial activity upon rewetting of a plant-soil system: Depth matters. The ISME Journal, 12:1061-71.
30           Domeignoz-Horta L.A., Philippot L., Peyrard C., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Bizouard F., Justes E., Mary B., Léonard J. & A. Spor. (2018) Peaks of in situ N2O emissions are influenced by N2O producing and reducing microbial communities across arable soils. Global Change Biology, 24:360-70.
31           Calderon K.*, Spor A.*, Breuil M.C., Bru D., Bizouard F., Violle C., Barnard R.L. & L. Philippot. (2017) Effectiveness of ecological rescue for altered soil microbial communities and functions. The ISME Journal, 11:272-83.
32           Devers-Lamrani M., Spor A., Mounier A. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2016) Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. Strain ADP, a bacterial model for studying the degradation of the herbicide atrazine. Genome announcements, 4(1):e01733-15.
33           Domeignoz-Horta L., Putz M., Spor A., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Hallin S. & L. Philippot. (2016) Non-denitrifying nitrous oxide-reducing bacteria – An effective N2O sink in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 103:376-79.
34           Domeignoz-Horta L., Spor A., Bru D., Breuil M.C., Bizouard F., Léonard J. & L. Philippot. (2015) The diversity of the N2O reducers matters for the relative proportion of N2O emitted by denitrification across cropping systems. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:971, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00971. 
35           Tardy V., Spor A., Mathieu O., Lévèque J., Terrat S., Plassart P., Reignier T., Bardgett R., van der Putten W., Roggero P.P., Seddaiu G., Bagella S., Lemanceau P., Ranjard L. & P.A. Maron. (2015) Shifts in microbial diversity through land use intensity as drivers of C-cycling in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.08.010.
36           Maeda K., Spor A., Edel-Hermann V., Héraud C., Breuil M.C., Bizouard F., Toyoda S., Yoshida N., Steinberg C. & L. Philippot. (2015) N2O production, a widespread trait in fungi. Scientific Reports, 5:9697.
37           Jones, C.M.*, Spor A.*, Brennan F., Breuil M.C., Bru D., Lemanceau P., Griffiths B., Hallin S. & L. Philippot. (2014) Recently identified microbial guild mediates soil N2O sink capacity. Nature Climate Change, 4(9) :801-805.
38           Spor A.*, Kvitek D.*, Nidelet T., Martin J., Dillmann C. Bourgais A., de Vienne D., Sherlock G. & D. Sicard. (2014) Phenotypic and genotypic convergences are influenced by historical contingency and environment in yeast. Evolution, 68(3):772-790.
39           Hafeez F., Philippot L., Spor A. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2014) Assessment of the resilience and resistance of remediated soils using denitrification as model process. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(1):178-182.
40           Locatelli A., Spor A., Jolivet C., Piveteau P. & A. Hartmann. (2013) Biotic and abiotic soil properties influence survival of Listeria monocytogenes in soil. PLoS ONE , 8(10):e75969.
41           Peiffer J.A.*, Spor A.*, Koren O., Jin Z., Tringe S.G., Dangl J.L., Buckler E.S. & R.E. Ley. (2013) Diversity and heritability of the maize rhizosphere microbiome under field conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 110(16): 6548-6553.
42           Philippot L., Spor A., Hénault C., Bru D., Bizouard F., Jones C.M., Sarr A. & P.A. Maron. (2013) Loss in microbial diversity affects nitrogen-cycling in soil. The ISME Journal, 7: 1609-1619.
43           Hussain S., Devers-Lamrani M., Spor A., Rouard N., Beguet J. & F. Martin-Laurent. (2013) Mapping field spatial distribution patterns of isoproturon mineralizing activity over a three years rape seed/winter wheat/barley rotation. Chemosphere, 90(10): 2499-2511.
44           Koren O., Goodrich J.K., Cullender T.C., Spor A., Laitinen K., Bäckhed H.K., Gonzalez A., Werner J.J., Angenent L.T., Knight R., Bäckhed F., Isolauri E., Salminen S. & R.E. Ley. (2012) Host remodeling of the gut microbiome and metabolic changes during pregnancy. Cell, 150(3): 1-11.
45           Hafeez F., Spor A., Breuil M.C., Schwartz C., Martin-Laurent F. & L. Philippot. (2012) Distribution of bacteria and nitrogen-cycling microbial communities along constructed Technosol depth-profiles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 213-232: 88-97.
46           Ravussin Y.*, Koren O.*, Spor A., LeDuc C., Gutman R., Stombaugh J., Knight R., Ley R.E. & R. Leibel. (2012) Response of gut microbiotas to diet composition and weight loss in lean and obese mice. Obesity, 20(4):738-47.
47           Yilmaz P., Kottmann R., et al. (2011) Minimum Information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnology, 29(5): 415-20.
48           Spor A.*, Koren O*. & R.E. Ley. (2011) Unraveling the effects of the environment and host genotype on the gut microbiome. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9(4):279-90.
49           Wang S., Spor A., Nidelet, T., Montalent, P., Dillmann C., de Vienne D., & D. Sicard. (2011) Switch between life-history strategies due to changes in glycolytic enzyme gene dosage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(2):452-9.
50           Koren O.*, Spor A.*, Felin J.*, Fåk F., Stombaugh J., Tremaroli V., Behre C.J., Knight R., Fagerberg B., Ley R.E. & F. Bäckhed. (2011) Human oral and gut microbiota associated with atherosclerosis and cardio vascular disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 15:108 Suppl 1:4592-8.
51           Koenig J. E., Spor A., Fricker A. D., Scalfone N. B., Stombaugh J., Knight R., Angenent, L. T., & R. E. Ley. (2011) Succession of microbial consortia in the developing infant gut microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 15:108 Suppl 1:4578-85.
52           Spor A., Dillmann C., Wang S., de Vienne D., Sicard D., & E. Parent. (2010) Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae population dynamics. The International Journal of Food Microbiology, 142(1-2):25-35.
53           Spor A., Nidelet T., Simon J., Bourgais A., de Vienne D., & D. Sicard. (2009) Niche-driven evolution of metabolic and life-history strategies in natural and domesticated populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC Evol Biol, 9: 296.
54           Spor A., Wang S., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. & D. Sicard. (2008) « Ant » and « Grasshoper » life-history strategies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS ONE, 3(2):e1579.

Principaux contrats :

  • 2022: CHLOR2NOU – Chlordecone et ses produits de transformation : nouveaux outils et connaissances. ANR, programme Chlordecone. SN-BIOCONTROLE – Evaluation de l’exposition de l’environnement aux produits de biocontrôle comprenant des substances naturelles appliqués en grandes cultures et de leurs effets écotoxicologiques. Financement OFB.                                                                                                          
  • 2021: EPURSOL – Bioaugmentation for the remediation of pesticides polluted agricultural soils : efficiency and side effects, ANR, dispositif PRCE. MINAGRIS – Micro and nano-plastics in agricultural soils : sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability, H2020 Emerging Challenges For Soil Management, UE
  • Project. SCLEROZA – Développement d’un agent de biocontrôle microbien chez le colza, PIA ADEME, Appel à projet démonstrateur. INT-BXL – Introgression de capacités de biodégradation de xénobiotiques dans des sols et sédiments pollués, Métaprogramme INRAE Holoflux.  
  • 2020: ARISTO – Industry/Academia network for revising and advancing the assessment of the soil microbial toxicity of pesticides, H2020 Innovative Training Networks, UE Project. NO-PIMS – What is the rôle of exogenous NO for plants, microbes and their interactions in soil? ANR/DFG, dispositif PRCI. IMMINENT – Improving microbial inoculation based on ecological niche theory – From theory to practice. ANR, dispositif PRCE. MICROSERVICES – Predicting climate change impacts on the crop microbiome and cascading effects on ecosystem services delivery in agroecosystems. BiodivERsA, EU project.