Directeur de Recherche - Chargé de mission
Curriculum vitae
Dr Xavier REBOUD received his PHD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the AgroParisTech / University of Paris XI in 1992. Since then he has been a scientist at INRA with periodic post-doctorate / sabbaticals at McGill University in Montreal (experimental evolution) or Western Australia University (herbicide resistance). His field of scientific expertise covers Weed Science, Agronomy, Ecology and Agriculture Sustainability. He was the director of the Weed Science Laboratory in Dijon between 2007 and 2012 (~50 permanent staff mixing agronomists, geneticists and ecologists to work on weed biology and their control). Recognized for his original view on several topics, Xavier has been deputy head of the INRA division “Plant Health and the Environment” from 2009 to 2017 (~860 scientists, engineers and technicians in the field of crop protection). He is now a special adviser to the Scientific Director for Agriculture at INRAe in charge of exploring and building INRAE’s strategy in the domain of digital farming for agroecology. Most of his scientific activity is now achieved by students and young researchers under his supervision.

Activités de Recherche

Xavier has a recognized experience at bridging from scientific knowledge to policy gained through a position of privileged interlocutor with ministries in charge of Agriculture and food, Health, Environment & Research for the French Pesticide use reduction plan (Ecophyto).
Xavier has now is major activity in programming science in the field of agroecology and towards pesticide free agriculture.
▪ President of the Science and Innovation Committee of ‘Ecophyto’; design and assembly of several scientific calls ; About 120 projects labelled for their contribution to the reduction of pesticide use and impacts. Granting 6 doctoral thesis fellowship/year.
▪ Expert evaluator for research projects in the field of sustainable agriculture.
Xavier has experience at sharing knowledge with a lay audiences gained through numerous written, radio or TV interviews. He has been collaborating and working in multidisciplinary group (as head of the Flagship Xavier has a recognized experience at bridging from scientific knowledge to policy gained through a position of privileged interlocutor with ministries in charge of Agriculture and food, Health, Environment & Research for the French Pesticide use reduction plan (Ecophyto).
Xavier has now is major activity in programming science in the field of agroecology and towards pesticide free agriculture.
▪ President of the Science and Innovation Committee of ‘Ecophyto’; design and assembly of several scientific calls ; About 120 projects labelled for their contribution to the reduction of pesticide use and impacts. Granting 6 doctoral thesis fellowship/year.
▪ Expert evaluator for research projects in the field of sustainable agriculture.
Xavier has experience at sharing knowledge with a lay audiences gained through numerous written, radio or TV interviews. He has been collaborating and working in multidisciplinary group (as head of the Flagship Metaprogram ‘Sustainable Mangament of Crop Heath’) 

In 2018, he was the coordinator of a report for the French ministry of agriculture on glyphosate alternatives. Since then he is regularly involved in the expertise on pesticides.

Activités d'enseignement

Main topics cover Evolutionary biology, weed science & agroecology. Xavier Reboud is giving ~5 to 10 lectures each year mainly to graduate and post-graduate students


  • Guyomard et al. (2023) How the Green Architecture of the 2023–2027 Common Agricultural Policy could have been greener, Ambio,1-12.
  • Gascuel-Odoux et al. (2022) A research agenda for scaling up agroecology in European countries, Agronomy for Sustainable Development,42,3,53.
  • Jacquet et al. (2022) Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research, Agronomy for Sustainable Development,42,1,8.
  • Jacquet et al. (2021) The micro-economic impacts of a ban on glyphosate and its replacement with mechanical weeding in French vineyards, Crop Protection,150,105778.
  • Reboud et al. (2021) Effective biodiversity monitoring could be facilitated by networks of simple sensors and a shift to incentivising results, Advances in Ecological Research,65,339-364.
  • Guyomard et al. (2020) Research for the AGRI Committee - The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources,"European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies , Brussels.",629214.
  • Antier et al. (2020) Glyphosate use in the European agricultural sector and a framework for its further monitoring, Sustainability, 12,14,5682
  • Reboud et al. (2019) “Glyphosate use and alternatives in French agriculture - Avoiding glyphosate, taming the heterogeneities",INRA report - DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2644977,,83 pp.
  • Perronne et al. (2017) How to design trait-based analyses of community assembly mechanisms: Insights and guidelines from a literature review, "Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics",25,29-44.
  • Fried, G., Dessaint, F., & Reboud, X. (2016). Local and regional changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of arable weed communities in Burgundy (France) between the 1970s and the 2000s. Botany letters, 163(4), 359-371.
  • Reboud, X., Eychenne, N., Délos, M., & Folcher, L. (2016). Withdrawal of maize protection by herbicides and insecticides increases mycotoxins contamination near maximum thresholds. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36(3), 43.
  • Bretagnolle, F., Matejicek, A., Gregoire, S., Reboud, X., & Gaba, S. (2016). Determination of fatty acids content, global antioxidant activity and energy value of weed seeds from agricultural fields in France. Weed Research, 56(DOI: 10.1111/wre.12188), 78_95.
  • Fried, G., Chauvel, B., & Reboud, X. (2015). Weed flora shifts and specialisation in winter oilseed rape in France. Weed Research, 55(5), 514–524.
  • Borgy, B., Reboud, X., Peyrard, N., Sabbadin, R., & Gaba, S. (2015). Dynamics of weeds in the soil seed bank: a hidden Markov model to estimate life history traits from standing plant time series. PLoS One, 10(10).
  • Consortium, R. (2013). Heterogeneity of selection and the evolution of resistance. Trends in ecology & evolution, 28(2), 110-118.
  • Petit S et al. (2011) Weeds in agricultural landscapes: a review. Agro Sustain Dev. 31, 309-317.
  • Fried G, Petit S & X Reboud. (2010) A specialist-generalist classification of the arable flora and its response to changes in agricultural practices. BMC Eecology 10:20 Opensource e-
  • Beckie HJ & X Reboud (2009) Selecting for weed resistance: herbicide rotation and mixture. Weed Technol. 23: 363-370.
  • Fried G et al. (2009) Arable weed decline in Northern France: crop edges as refugia for weed conservation? Biol Cons. 142, 238-243.
  • Fried G, Norton LR & X Reboud (2008) Environmental and management factors determining weed species composition and diversity in France. Agric, Ecos & Env. 128, 68-76.
  • Ostrowski et al. (2006) Evidence for a large scale population substructure among European accessions of Arabisopsis thaliana : combined insights from sequence and microsatellite polymorphism. Mol ECol, 15, 1507-1517
  •  McKhann et al. (2004) Nested core collections maximizing genetic diversity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 38 : 193-202
  •  Reboud X & G Bell (1997). Experimental evolution in Chlamydomonas. III. Evolution of specialist and generalist types in environments that vary in space and time. Heredity, 78, 507-514
  • Reboud X & C Zeyl (1994) Organelle inheritance in plants. Heredity 70: 132-140.

Principaux contrats

apports d’expertise :  Jacquet et al. (2020). Alternatives au glyphosate en arboriculture. Evaluation économique des pratiques de désherbage. Jacquet et al. (2020). Alternatives au glyphosate en arboriculture. Carpentier et al. (2020). Alternatives au glyphosate en grandes cultures. A la demande du Premier Ministre et des Ministres en charge de l'Agiculture   Reboud, et al. (2019). Glyphosate use and alternatives in French agriculture - Avoiding glyphosate, taming the heterogeneities. In (pp. 83 pp).  Caquet et al. (2019). Réflexion prospective interdisciplinaire pour l’agroécologie. Rapport de synthèse.   Ballot et al. (2018). Risques et bénéfices relatifs des alternatives aux produits phytopharmaceutiques comportant des néonicotinoïdes : Tome 3: Rapport d’appui scientifique et technique sur l’impact agricole.

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