BONNOT Titouan

Pôle : LEGae Equipe :FILEAS (Seed filling and abiotic stresses)
Since 2021: Research Scientist (CRCN), UMR Agroécologie, INRAE Dijon.

Research project: Identification of genes involved in the plant tolerance (traits related to seed quality and yield) to abiotic stresses in pea (Pisum sativum), using omics approaches

2018-2021: Postdoctoral Research scholar, University of California, Riverside, USA. Laboratory of Dr. Dawn Nagel.

Research project: Influence of heat stress and time of day on the regulation of circadian clock-regulated genes in plants.

2013-2016: PhD student, UMR GDEC, INRAE Clermont-Ferrand.

Research project: Integrative analysis of the wheat grain responses to nitrogen and sulfur supply, using omics approaches.

2011-2013: Master student in Genomics, Ecophysioloy and Agronomy, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand.

Activités de recherche, techniques : 

My current research project at INRAE focuses on the pea (Pisum sativum) responses to abiotic stresses (mainly water deficit and sulfur deficiency). Using -omics approaches, our goal is to identify genes that may control seed quality and plasticity in response to multi-stress conditions. To this aim, we consider the time of day and gene expression rhythmicity as important factors influencing the observed molecular responses.
Previously, I have been working as a postdoc in the laboratory of Dawn Nagel, where I studied the influence of time of day on the heat stress response of the Arabidopsis circadian transcriptome and translatome. Ahead of that, my PhD project focused on the grain responses to post-anthesis nitrogen and sulfur availabilities, in the diploid wheat species Triticum monococcum.

Publications :

  • Bonnot T, Bachelet F, Boudet J, Le Signor C, Bancel E, Vernoud V, Ravel C, Gallardo K (2023). Sulfur in determining seed protein composition: present understanding of its interaction with abiotic stresses and future directions. Journal of Experimental Botany. 74, 3276–3285. Doi : 10.1093/jxb/erad098
  • Vallet A, Martin-Laffon J, Favier A, Revel B, Bonnot T, Vidaud C, Armengaud J, Gaillard JC, Delangle P, Devime F, Figuet S, Serre NBC, Erba EB, Brutscher B, Ravanel S, Bourguignon J, Alban C (2023). The plasma membrane-associated cation-binding protein PCaP1 of Arabidopsis thaliana is a uranyl-binding protein. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 446, 130668. Doi : 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130668.
  • Bonnot T*, Gillard MB*, and Nagel DH (2022). CAST-R: An application to visualize circadian and heat stress-responsive genes in plants. Plant Physiology. kiac121. Doi : 10.1093/plphys/kiac121. *Equal contribution
  • Bonnot T, Blair EJ, Cordingley SJ, and Nagel DH (2021). Circadian coordination of cellular processes and abiotic stress responses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 64: 102133. Doi : 10.1016/j.pbi.2021.102133.
  • Bonnot T and Nagel DH (2021). Time of the day prioritizes the pool of translating mRNAs in response to heat stress. The Plant Cell. 33: 2164–2182. Doi : 10.1093/plcell/koab113.
  • Bonnot T, Martre P, Hatte V, Dardevet M, Leroy P, Bénard C, Falagán N, Martin-Magniette M-L, Deborde C, Moing A, Gibon Y, Pailloux M, Bancel E, Ravel C (2020). Omics Data Reveal Putative Regulators of Einkorn Grain Protein Composition under Sulfur Deficiency. Plant Physiology. 183: 501–516. Doi : 10.1104/pp.19.00842.
  • Mody T*, Bonnot T*, Nagel DH (2020). Interaction between the Circadian Clock and Regulators of Heat Stress Responses in Plants. Genes. 11: 156. Doi : 10.3390/genes11020156. *Equal contribution
  • Sarthou MCM, Revel BH, Villiers F, Alban C, Bonnot T, Gigarel O, Boisson A-M, Ravanel S, Bourguignon J (2020). Development of a metalloproteomic approach to analyse the response of Arabidopsis cells to uranium stress. Metallomics. 12: 1302–1313. Doi : 10.1039/d0mt00092b.
  • Bancel E, Bonnot T, Davanture M, Alvarez D, Zivy M, Martre P, Déjean S, Ravel C (2019). Proteomic Data Integration Highlights Central Actors Involved in Einkorn (Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum) Grain Filling in Relation to Grain Storage Protein Composition. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: 1–14. Doi : 10.3389/fpls.2019.00832.
  • Bonnot T, Gillard M, Nagel D (2019). A Simple Protocol for Informative Visualization of Enriched Gene Ontology Terms. BIO-101. Doi : 10.21769/BioProtoc.3429.
  • Blair EJ, Bonnot T, Hummel M, Hay E, Marzolino JM, Quijada IA, Nagel DH (2019). Contribution of time of day and the circadian clock to the heat stress responsive transcriptome in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports. 9: 4814. Doi : 10.1038/s41598-019-41234-w.
  • Bonnot T, Bancel E, Alvarez D, Davanture M, Boudet J, Pailloux M, Zivy M, Ravel C, Martre P (2017). Grain subproteome responses to nitrogen and sulfur supply in diploid wheat Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum. Plant Journal. 91: 894–910 Doi : 10.1111/tpj.13615.
  • Bonnot T, Bancel E, Chambon C, Boudet J, Branlard G, Martre P (2015) Changes in the nuclear proteome of developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6: 1–12. Doi : 10.3389/fpls.2015.00905.
  • Bancel E*, Bonnot T*, Davanture M, Branlard G, Zivy M, Martre P (2015). Proteomic approach to identify nuclear proteins in wheat grain. Journal of Proteome Research. 14: 4432–4439. Doi : 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00446. *Equal contribution

Principaux contrats :

BAP-INRAE, PeaReg project (2023 – 2024)

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